Introduction --------------- Welcome to _Food for Thought_. This book has been produced as a charitable project by a group of editors via the Internet's copyediting discussion list. We created this book so that any charitable organisation can print it (at whatever level of quality their budget permits) and sell it to support their charitable activities. As editors, our first thought was to support literacy organisations (hence the book's title), but food banks, shelters for the homeless, and childrens' charities would certainly be appropriate users of the book. There are only two "strings attached": First, _Food for Thought_ is copyrighted, so you must keep the author, acknowledgments, and other information attached to it, but you need pay no royalties to me or any of the contributors. Second, if you want the book only for your own use, we request that you contribute whatever you feel the book is worth to your favorite local charity. This text contains certain crucial pieces of information that you'll need to understand before you can print the book. Please read it carefully, and provide a copy to any printer or service bureau who will be producing the book for you. If you follow these instructions, you should have no difficulty in producing the book. To avoid having two organisations try to sell the book simultaneously in the same area (thus, competing for sales), I request that you contact me with your name and address so I can determine who else is using the book in your area. If that happens, I'll put you in contact with those people to see if you can reach some cooperative agreement. If not, the first person to take on this project in your area has first rights to use the book, and I ask you not to compete with them. If you're reading this somewhere outside the English-speaking world, it would be great if you wanted to translate the book and use it to support your own language; contact me for details. Please let me know how your efforts turn out, and provide any suggestions you have to improve the book for next year's edition. You can reach me at: Geoff Hart 580 boul. St-Jean Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 3J9 Canada (514) 694-1140 (work) File information -------------------- Depending on where you're reading this, you've either obtained Adobe PostScript files or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. Neither the PostScript file nor the Acrobat file is editable without considerable effort, but you should be able to print the files to just about any Postscript printer (including a filmsetter) and reproduce the book from that output. The Acrobat version _is not_ (I repeat: _not_) intended for online use: that's next year's project. This year, the Acrobat version is simply the easiest way I could find to distribute the file so that anyone can print it, even if they don't have the right fonts installed. (See the next section for details.) The Acrobat PDF version has been produced using Acrobat Distiller 2.1, as this is the most common form available. The viewer for PDF files is widely available on the Web ( and comes on the disks for most recent versions of Adobe software. The files should print to any printer, but you'll likely have the best luck with a Laserjet compatible or a Postscript printer. Typeface information -------------------------- To keep the logistics of printing this book simple, I have used only two fonts in the entire book. The body text uses Adobe's Garamond (_not_ Garamond Book) typeface, with bold and italic styles applied using the italic and boldface menu choices; I did _not_ use the Garamond Bold or Garamond Italic fonts. If, for reasons of typographic purity, you choose to substitute the latter fonts, you'll have to ensure that this doesn't affect any line breaks (i.e., you'll have to reproof each page to ensure that nothing breaks in the wrong place). This shouldn't be a problem, but you never know... The heading and chapter title text is Adobe's Gill Sans, with any styles again applied using the style menu. If you substitute Gill Sans bold or Italic, you'll have to verify that none of the headings break wrong. The problem that is most likely to arise if you switch fonts is that the start and end of the initial text blocks may change due to changes in the type size (i.e., the flow of the stories may be disrupted and text may flow incorrectly from one block to the next). Again, please try to stick with Gill Sans; if not, please proofread the document carefully to ensure that the line breaks are all correct.